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Customer Testimonials

Hi Trene,

After only two sessions, the current students are on fire with their new way of thinking. And last years Leadership and Management group still are :)

We have just come out a of management meeting that normally takes 15 minutes, but have had over an hour discussion of leadership, behaviors and managing our business effectively. Previously this sort of discussion would have gotten all personal, however our employees are now thinking at an entirely different level. Their head space has changed.

Your practical approach, especially with folks that have reading/writing difficulty, is outstanding. This is what the General Manager of Operations and I have been trying to achieve for the last two years has been cleaned-up by you beautifully. Thank you.

Sharon Lewis | Human Resources Co-ordinator| MSM Milling

Feedback from one of our DISC Sessions at local council:

"Very Informative, interesting - recognizing one's personality"

"I realized that I am not as good at communication / listening as I thought I was - Loved Trene's energy"

"Thanks Trene - always a pleasure. Great to hear other experience and wisdom and your honesty, energy and knowledge is fantastic"

" A great reminder not to take everything personally and remember that people are just trying to get their point across"

"Great day - thank you. Learnt more about myself"

"Learnt how to approach people who are in the opposite quadrant to me and allow compromise and harmony at work"

"I learnt - don't get personal with situations at work - think before you speak"

"In general, pretty good. A good reminder of material previously learnt. Great adult learning style - presenter very engaging"

"Useful tools for work and my private life, good workshop - recommended, great presentation"

"Proactive, Interesting and energizing. The information is practical and applyable and I just loved the group interaction and dynamic"

"Engaging trainer, good to learn about my own personal styles and that of my colleagues. The tools will really help our team"

"Absolutely engaging training, delivery based on knowledge and life/work experience which made it real - thank you"

"New talents learnt today about others, dealing with people and myself. Entertaining and informative - Loved it"

"Extremely well presented"

"Excellent - heaps of fun. Lots of good tips and information to take away"

"Made me happier than a beautiful unicorn farting rainbows - great presentation, loved it, it's always fun learning with Trene"

"The trainer was great fun - made it easy to understand. Very engaging"

"These tools will make me stop and think first before I respond"

"Learnt the power of body language. The DISC tool will definitely help me to deal with my customers"

"I am very dominate so I need to be more mindful when I communicate - great self reflection"

"Great to learn how to deal with personality types i.e. Dominant - be clear, specific and to the point v's the Influencer - be supportive and empathetic"

"This tool will help me to determine a customers personality before speaking (with practice) and I think this will help me deal with them better - great delivery, thanks"

"I learnt why I find it hard to let go of some issues when I believe I'm right and got some tools to help me with defining what matters, how to adapt my style for different situations"

"I learnt that all personality types should be equally valued, the tools I now have will help me improve relations with friends, family, work colleagues and the public"

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